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Can we put a bit of blurb in here to explain the process? Ut latiunt audit laboressunte re voles magnamusam laut venisimus, soluptas eossecum eost quodi atur, ommolor porporias ullatem evendamus sunt ea qui offic tem ut officimillab ium voluptatiur? Ex eum seribusa consequaspid most fugit asperro conse pliam venimodis acest alis di cumqui quae peditatem consere eveni omnimet aut voluptur?

Pelignis qui tem culliqui optatibus rem ipsum ipid exero cus doluptatem quam se et landelecus, quaspiet, con re, ant.

Tips for the best Performance Review and Development Programme

How structured and effective is your Performance Review and Development programme? Some professions have been pretty slow to grasp on to the importance of Performance Review and Development programmes.  Most good veterinary practices are aspiring to perform staff...

Narrating the Positive – Successfully Embedding Workplace Processes

Narrating the positive is the concept which says that people learn from having their positive behaviours reinforced – this can be used in the workplace to embed new processes.

Successful risk assessment management in the workplace

Managing pregnancy risk assessments in the work place to optimise safety, confidentiality and organisational reputation.

Is your business benefitting from effective team-based health care?

What is Team-based Healthcare? Team-based veterinary healthcare describes how a practice can utilise their whole team to deliver a fuller service. A date for your diary Laura Shaw, our development consultant will be speaking at The London VetShow 2023 (Thursday 17th...

Training-Progress is the Final Piece of the Kaizen Jigsaw

Training-Progress is the Final Piece of the Kaizen Jigsaw. Thanks to Debbie Robinson from Vetnetics for the mention in her practice management article in The Veterinary Edge.

What do Veterinary Practices of the Future Look Like?

What do Veterinary Practices of the Future Look Like? Join us for this free practice management forum 1-4.30pm 27th April

GDPR pitfalls in veterinary practice and how to deal with them

Veterinary practice managers, directors and owners – Can you help us with your experiences of GDPR in Veterinary Practice? We are very excited to have been given the opportunity to speak in a webinar with our award winning GDPR partners CVG Solutions about the...

In-house CPD – Are Your Team Losing Out?

Laura Shaw discusses how to make it easy for your team to claim in-house CPD.

On boarding – Do your new recruits love their job?

Check out our new article with The Meraki Initiative ‘It’s all about on boarding’ for The Veterinary Edge

Focus on culture for continuous improvement results

Process management is key to business results but processes must not be rigid. Create a culture of continuous improvement to harness ideas from your team

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