We are delighted to have worked with Olly King from The Meraki Initiative on the article ‘It’s all about on boarding’ for The Veterinary Edge
Getting on boarding or induction process right is setting your new team members up for success. Putting time and effort into ensuring they have a good early experience will give them the skills they need to work well in your organisation. It will also make them feel welcome and part of the team so they will want to stay with you.
We know the veterinary profession is under staffed and low on time. We all now how hard and expensive the recruitment process is. This is exactly why you can’t afford to mess up on boarding and lose your hard won team members.
Training-Progress is a fantastic tool for ensuring your on boarding process is fair, consistent, timely and complete. By organising your processes and training content into a training programme you are giving your team members the best chance to swiftly become a confident employee who can work autonomously.
For the full article go to page 44 on your hard copy of The Veterinary Edge or CLICK HERE and find us on page 22.