The world is in turmoil but your business need not be. What clients need at the moment is consistency and confidence from the businesses they chose to patronise. What your team need is knowledge and communication.

What can you do to help to smooth out some of the bumps in the road?

Have a plan.

Make sure you have detailed written processes based on your business risk assessment and current government guidelines for your area. Ensure your team all have access to and have agreed to the current plan. For this we recommend Training-Progress. The training system ensures all team members are made aware of processes they need to read and agree to. The reporting systems provide proof of training.

Regular review

You will need to review your business’s processes far more frequently than normal, in response to changes in local or national restrictions. Again, Training-Progress is an ideal tool for ensuring your team are aware of and sign up to the changes which you have instigated.


Now more than ever, you need to be sure that your team members are receiving and acknowledging your communications. It is not acceptable for important information to be lost is deluge of emails. The Urgent News feature of Training-Progress allows you to track communications, meaning you can follow up when a team member has failed to acknowledge a message.

Team involvement

It is important that your team feel engaged in the development of your businesses processes. If they are ‘at the coal face’ they will be able to feedback on how a process is working in practise. Training-Progress has a ‘Help’ button for each task allowing team members to voice their opinion. Being able to contribute gives team members agency and empowerment in their role, which improves their engagement.

Plug the gaps

There will be times when key team members will not able to attend the work place, you need to be sure that their tasks can all be completed with minimal disruption by other team members. Ensuring you have all your processes recorded and freely accessible for reference, such as through the Training-Progress system, means that other team members can pick up the baton in the event of absence.


Training-Progress is a cloud-based system. It was designed to ensure that your team has access to your current documents (SOPs, guidelines, protocols and training materials) from any device in the practice and from any branch. Equally, they can access from a tablet on the road or now, with increased homeworking, from the comfort of their own home. This ensures, your team members are able to work effectively wherever their location.

Training-Progress provides a framework to deliver training and communications to your team to ensure your business can weather the storms of Covid-19.